Newborn Essentials - Do I need a baby rocker?

We think so! Let us tell you why a baby rocker is one of our must-have buys for you and your new babe.

5 reasons to put a baby rocker on your Newborn Essentials List

1. Baby rockers free up your arms/hands

We only got in on the baby rocker scene when our little one was 8 weeks old. 8 weeks too late! If this sounds dramatic try an evening not using one of your hands - cooking, cutting up your dinner, getting undressed - all things you may take for granted pre-baby. A baby rocker will free you up to look after yourself and do the chores (and eat) without trying to juggle your babe at the same time.

But why not just put them on the floor? Well, it's an option. And we did, but our babe was much calmer in the rocker. See reason 4.Baby in mothers arms

2. Baby rockers are portable

Easily being able to move your baby to whichever room you are in is great. No dashing between the kitchen and bedroom to check they aren't lonely/haven't puked/hit themselves in the face while you're making the tea. No panic showers where you definitely heard them crying only to leap out and find them fast asleep in their cot.

As far as nursery furniture goes, baby rockers are compact and portable, perfect to move into whichever room you want to be in.Portable Baby Rocker by Charlie Crane

3. A baby rocker will give you time

Following on from the above; taking the time to have a long shower or drink a hot cup of tea (that hasn't been microwaved twice beforehand) is wondrous when you have a newborn. If a baby rocker means you get a few more minutes for yourself each day then this is an essential in our book.A hot cup of tea while your baby is relaxing in the rocker

4. Babies are soothed from a gentle rocking motion

You've no doubt seen parents bobbing up and down or swaying back and forth with their newborn babies to help comfort them - it is believed that babies find this motion similar to the one they experienced whilst in the womb. Whatever the reason, a gentle rocking or swaying motion often has a calming effect on babies and is an experience that soothes them.Baby relaxing in a Charlie Crane Levo Baby Rocker

5. Babies enjoy a different perspective

As they say, a change is as good as a rest. And for sure a new perspective will be enjoyed by your baby. You'll be surprised at what catches and keeps their attention; the spin on the washing machine and the contrast on the bathroom tiles used to make our babe go wide-eyed in seeming amazement.

So there are our five reasons to have a baby rocker from the get-go. A super handy piece of nursery furniture that's beneficial to both parents and babies. But now how to navigate the huge range of rockers on the market? Well of course we vote for the Charlie Crane Levo Rocker. Read our next post to find out why.

Images by Charlie Crane, Gaelle Marcelle and Jonathan Borba.